Sunday, 13 April 2008

A Rave with God

I thought we were very blessed by our young people this morning (I was anyway) as they led us in some lively and louder than usual worship. It was particularly good to see how well they performed together, supported each other and confidently led the rest of us. They also managed to transfer their energy into some of us 'older' ones to get us moving a bit. I think it's important to do things every now and then that take us out of our comfort zone and experience God in a different way and this morning will have taken some of us further out of our comfort zone than others.
It also got me thinking what it actually means to 'rave' with God so I looked up the definition of rave, here are some interesting results
  • To speak wildly, irrationally, or incoherently.
  • To speak or write with wild enthusiasm
  • To roar; rage
  • Praise enthusiastically

When we allow God's spirit takes hold of us I'm sure we're capable of all of the above and it reminded me how onlookers described the disciples at pentecost!

I hope you find time to 'rave' some more with God this week.

1 comment:

Jiminthesun said...

There's a strong precedent for God using young people to show us all how we could be.........As a confirmed raver, when the curtains are closed and the music is on loud etc, I should have found it easy to rave but did not.When did I start caring so much about what other people think?
Raving for God, seems to me to be an outward expression of inner passion.

I pray that all of us can gain such a sense of inner passion, that raving becomes regular!