Monday, 10 November 2008

Seeking the Way

I am still labouring over the old 'How can I tell if what I am doing is what God wants me to be doing?' question. I suspect it is probably one of those questions that never goes away fully, but it is quite irritating at the moment.
To try and go somewhere new with it, I have signed up for a 'Seeking the Way' course with the local diocese that is all to do with discovering what my person mission might be - trying to formulate it into a sentence, that on completion of the exercises should make it a little clearer to some parts of me what other parts of me have known all along! It is based on a book called 'The Path' by Laurie Beth Jones. The first exercise I nearly dismissed as completely stupid, but when I completed it I thought it less so. So it is quite an interesting process...

...The passage in Acts 6 that I read on Sunday interested me from thinking along those lines.

Anyway, I recommend the book.

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