Sunday, 15 February 2009

Come and Dance with me

When Shaun was talking about his 'Are we human or are we dancer' photo this morning, I was hearing quite clearly the invitation from God to 'come and dance', and although this was for me and tied up with something I have had rattling around in my head recently, it is probable that others know that that invitation is directly for them too.
I don't always like to join in with things and can easily find myself sitting and watching, but God challenges that and invites me to dance!


Shaun Perryman said...

Hope you don't mind me adding the photo to your post Sue but I thought what you said translated nicely what I was trying to say this morning. I believe God does want us to 'dance' with him what ever that might mean for each of us.

Roy said...
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Roy said...

I hope it wasn't trivialising the picture (because I think dancing is a very good image for our relationship with God and it is a great picture) but when Shaun spoke about it I wondered what sort of dancer I might be?

Something beautiful like the image or maybe.....a clog dancer stiff from the waste up (beautiful in its' way).....a tap dancer......a Morris dancer......a sword dancer.....a jazz dancer....ballroom.....square......line.....
They might all ,and many many more, symbolise different ways of relating to God and spiritulity. I wonder what my dance is....I wonder what yours is?