Saturday, 12 July 2008

Jesus perspectives

Have had a busy week but am finally getting round to posting something about last Sunday's men's meeting in the Speckled Hen.

Had a good turnout (and the pub was busier than normal, a birthday party was going on and there was some tennis match or other on the TV) and some interesting discussion. Our guest, Andy Frost of Share Jesus International, used a set of intriguing photographs to provoke some discussion on how meanings can change when we look at things from different perspectives, naturally leading into discussion on our perceptions and images of Jesus (such as the stereotypical one in the corner!).
Andy referred to what Jesus said about himself in Luke 4 where he refers to the Spirit being upon him to preach good news to the poor, proclaim freedom for prisoners, sight for the blind, release for the oppressed and proclaim the year of the Lord's favour and suggested from that the concept of Jesus the revolutionary.
I think that passage is pretty revolutionary and it offers Jesus' hope to those who have lost out in life, be it emotionally, spiritually, physically or materially. This hope was evidenced in Andy's accompanying friend Leon, who came with his family to this country as a Kosovan refugee fleeing violence and war, and now seeks to reach out to others here (and back in Kosovo) with God's love.
The challenge for the church is how we can embody that revolutionary spirit in our activities and engagement with the community. We did start to discuss a bit about how different ways of being church can help or hinder that revolution. Not a subject to properly cover in one night but hopefully we all got some inspiration and challenge whilst crowding round a table in a local pub!

1 comment:

Shaun Perryman said...

I was quite challenged by Andy's idea of doing something that was a bit scary for Jesus i.e. putting yourself out of your comfort zone with regard to sharing your faith or offering to pray for people etc. It hasn't made me do anything yet but it's a nagging thought at the back of my mind now and again so perhaps I'm just waiting for a moment that is scary/uncomfortable but not by too much.