Hi Sue
Thanks for the comment. The questions from last Sunday's talk were:
What would be our strap lines?
What runs our life?
What clues are there for our spiritual development?
What could we commit ourselves to?
What habit could we change in 21 days?
With the first question I suggested that the apostle Peter might have had the strap lines:
I will make you fishers of men
Feed my sheep
Do not call anything impure that God has made clean
The last question relates to a piece of research that I spoke about that concluded you can change a habit if you continue the change for 21 days. Intuitively I think that the research might be right (although you never know with these pieces of research) and if it is I found that very encouraging (so, I hope it is). It was in a book on happiness that went on to say.
Why not make happiness a habit in 21 days!!! Quite a challenge.
Maybe the 'Abbey habit' mmmmm
anonymouse again
this is not a trick question but can you have a foot in both blogs ie the last two?
just a question, not sure
best wishes
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