Friday 9 May 2008

Flowers and Weeds

I woke up this morning with a very old song in my head - it probably had something to do with the line 'love is like the sunshine ...' It led me to think of some other old and well loved songs and including Laura's and my old favourite -

My heart may be like a garden, fair,
lots of loving thoughts and deeds blossoming there.
Or it may be a place of poison weeds, growing into ugly thoughts and words and deeds.
Lord Jesus make my heart a garden, fair.
Come now thyself and be the gardener there.

You have to allow for it being a children's song, but having seen how quickly the weeds have grown in my real garden this week, I have to echo the plea for assistance in keeping my heart garden well weeded!


Shaun Perryman said...

Seeing Sue's picture brought back the memory of creating it as it was something we made in a house group quite a while ago. I remember the process very well, quite few people were very unsure about creating the picture from torn up pieces of paper and other scraps but were amazed by the finished results. How often do we look at what we've got to offer thinking it's not much - a torn piece of paper - but when God puts it together in his picture it turns into something beautiful. We just have to be confident that God can use whatever we have to offer.

Anonymous said...

The other thing is that we often don't know immediately the value of things. This picture has been quite firmly lodged with me as something I value ever since we made it. Partly that is for the reason Shaun outlines and partly because we put with it at the time a side banner with the words 'May the fragrance of Jesus fill this place', which struck me as a good sort of prayer to carry around and use often. - Not bad for a few torn up magazines.